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RE Curriculum

Our RE Curriculum


At New Waltham Academy we believe the quality of education in RE is crucial to developing well rounded, respectful and tolerant children. The curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews. We feel RE teaches our children to have a wider understanding of all the main religions, their teaching and traditions, making links to and celebrating their similarities and differences and developing their capacity to appreciate, respect and reflect upon the areas they study.  Our curriculum develops an understanding of British Values (democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, tolerance of different faiths and beliefs) and what impact we have as a citizen.


Our RE curriculum is enriched by visits to a range of Places of Worship; chosen to foster a sense of awe and wonder. We invite visitors into the school to talk to children about their knowledge/experience regarding a particular faith thus giving the children a deeper understanding of belief and faith.


Parents have the right to withdraw children from parts of the RE curriculum, please contact school if this is needed. 


Below is an overview of the knowledge that children will be taught throughout their time at New Waltham Academy.

