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New Waltham Academy Pupil Voice



We value the views of our pupils and hold termly informal chats with groups of pupils from EYFS - Year 6 to hear what they think about each subject. We worked with mixed groups of children so that we get opinions and ideas from throughout the school.

February 2024


In our pupil voice this term, we focused on what the children enjoy about their science lessons. Teachers also held discussions with the children about what they had voiced previously (see February 2023) and actions subject leaders have made, to act upon some of these things. Children understand that leaders cannot change everything, but that their voice and opinions are taken into consideration.


February 2023


Children at New Waltham Academy identify science as a subject that is fun, practical and interesting. They made reference to carrying out experiments that allow them the freedom to predict and test out ideas. Their favourite example includes experiments that were messy, unpredictable and that sense of ‘awe and wonder’.  There was a transfer of learning between home and school; children spoke about scientific investigations carried out at school which they had then re-performed at home.


The children understood the vast subject nature and coverage of science. They enjoy learning about its many different facets such as – animals, mini-beats, physics, chemical reactions and space. The children also spoke about other STEM projects in wider school life such as our eco-club, the Planet Protectors.  Older children understood how scientific knowledge and learning is the foundation for many different careers.


A common theme in children’s discussion was the importance of discovering new things through exploration – both through practical, messy, hands-on activities but also through outdoor learning. Younger children enjoyed sharing their learning about nature walks and how to melt ice.  Children felt that science gives them a space to be inquisitive and ask different questions.

First, we discussed the question 'What is Science?' and we collected our thoughts and ideas. We gathered these together by working collaboratively and created a word cloud using all of the words that we associate with science. These ideas are displayed below:
