Values Project & Champion Scheme
The aims of the Values Project are to develop positive social interactions and interpersonal relationships around school and within the local community; to teach respect and tolerance towards others and to have a positive impact on learning by focussing on values such as pride, determination and perseverance. Each month a value is introduced via an assembly and a letter is sent to parents, explaining the value and how it can be encouraged at home as well as in school.
Posters in classrooms explain what the value looks like at NWA and there is a monthly “Role Model” award where teachers are invited to nominate a person who they consider to be a model of one or more of the school values.
Supporting the Values Project is the Values Champion scheme whereby children in KS2 can earn their Bronze, Silver or Gold award. The children work on mini projects based around five key values – respect, determination, contribution, compassion and happiness. The Values Project is now an integral part of our school curriculum and the positive impact has been apparent not only within school, but when the children are out and about in the local community or working in different settings.
Value Cycle
| Values covered in Cycle 1 2022-23 | Values covered in Cycle 2 2023-24 |
September | Respect | Self-belief |
October | Pride | Confidence |
November | Responsibility | Thoughtfulness |
December | Appreciation | Gratitude |
January | Determination | Positivity |
February | Consideration | Trust |
March | Tolerance | Self-control |
April | Friendship | Equality and Diversity |
May | Honesty | Patience |
June | Compassion | Humility |
July | Courage | Hope |
Please note that 2022-23 will be repeated starting Sept 2024 and so on.